Dakota Lesson One

Dakota Alphabet

This lesson incorporates the Dakota alphabet. 

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Dakota Lesson Two

Dakota Lesson Three

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Dakota Waunspe Wanji - Dakota Lesson One

Dakota Alphabet: Dakota: Meaning: Phonetic:
A - Ah Ate Father Ah-Deh
B - Bah Bdo Potato Bah-Doe
C - Cha Cistina Little Chee-Stee-Nah
D - Dah Dakota Friend/Allies Da-Ko-Tah
E - Eh Etah From E-Daun
G - Ghee Gi Brown Ghee
H - Ha Hanhepi Night Haun-He-Pe
I - E Ista Eye E-Te
J - Zhee Wanji One Wan-Jee
K - Ke Kte To kill Ka-Teh
M - Ma Mani Walk Ma-Knee
N - Na Nape Hand Nah-Pe
O - Oh Ota Many O-Tah
P - Pa Paha Hill Baw-Ha
S - Si Siha Foot See-Ha
T - Doe Topa Four Doe-Pah
U - Un Unsika Pitiful Un-She-Kaw
W - Wa Wakan Holy Wa-Kaun
Y - Yaun Yanka To sit Yaun-Kah
Z - Ze Waziyatan North Zet-Ka-Na

In the Dakota (Dah-Ko-Tah) language there are a few sounds where no English letter can define the sound; these are guttural and nasal sounds.

Example: (H) The 'h' with the a dot over it makes a back of the mouth guttural sound. Ho-ta (Ho'-tah) which means 'gray.' (Pa) Na-pa (Nah-Pah) to hit, or strike is a nasal and guttural sound.


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