Dakota Lesson Three

Dakota Anatomy

This lesson incorporates Dakota anatomy. 

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Dakota Waunspe Yamni - Dakota Lesson Three

Dakota: English: Sounds Like:
Pa Head Pah
Paha Hair Pah-ha
Nasuna Brain Na-Soo-Nah
Ita Face E-Ta
Nugi Ears New-Geh
Pasu Nose Pah-Soo
Ista Eyes E-Stah
Ishta hin Eyebrows E-Stah-He
Ista Hepehin Eyelash E-Stah-Geh-Pi
Tapon Cheeks Tah-Poun
I Mouth E
Iha Lips E-Ha
Cezi Tongue Ce-Ze
Tahu Neck Tah-Who
Cankahu Back Caun-Kaw-Who
Isto Arm E-Sto
Napokaske Wrist Nah-Po-Kas-Ke
Hiyete Shoulder He-Ye-Te
Cu tuho Ribs Chew-To-Who
Tezi Stomach Te-Zee
Hu Legs Who
Hubdu Calves Who-Ba-Due
I skahu Ankles E-Ska-Who
Siha Feet See-Ha
Cagu Lungs Cha-Guho
Cante Heart Caun-Te
Tapi Liver Taun-Pi
Pizi Gallbladder Pee-Zee
Huhu Bone Who-Who
Conica Skin Cho-Ni-Cha
Sake Finger nail Shaw-Ke
Nap hunka Thumb Nap-Who-Ka
Nap tokaheya Index finger Nap-Toe-Ka-He-Ya
Nap cokaya Middle finger Nap-Co-Ka-Ya
Maza nap cupe Ring finger Ma-za-Nap-Cu-Pee
Nap ciscina Little finger Nap-Ches-Ci-Na

Dakota Lesson Three Dakota Anatomy Sentences
English: Dakota:
Look at my daughter's head. Micunksi, pa wakeciyaka.
My son broke his nose. Micinksi, pasun bou ega.
Grandfather hurt his hip. Tunkasina nite oyuzuneciya.
Neice, what's wrong with your finger? Tunza, napasukaza tonikca he?
My aunt's shoulder hurts. Tunwe, hinyeti yazan.
My feet are big. Siha mitawa tanka.
My older brother's gall bladder is bad. Ciye, pizi sica.
My grandfather's wrist is big. Tunkasina napokaske tanka.
Son, how is your liver? Micinksi, tapi tonikeja he?
Son, how is your stomach? Micinksi, teziki tonikeja he?

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