Nakona Lesson Two

Tibi Mitawa

This lesson incorporates Nakona vocabulary, and phrases. 

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Nakona Lesson One

Nakona Lesson Three

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Nakona Language Lesson 2 - Tibi Mitawa

English: Nakona:
House Tibi
White Ska
Red Sha
Yellow Gi
Gray Xoda
Striped Kne Knega
City Otuwa Tanga
Door Tioba
Big Tanga
Inside Tin
Above Wangan
Dog Shunga
Tipi Wioti
Blue To
Black Saba
Brown Zi
Pink Shaimna
Town, Village Otuwa
Town, Village Owonazhi
Window Iwaknaga
Little Jusina, Juskina
Outside Tangan
Below Hokun
Cat Buza

English: Nakona:
I have a white house. Tibi ska mnuha.
I live in a white house. Tibi ska en wati.
I live in a big city. Otuwa tanga en wati.
My father has a blue house. Ade tibi to yuha.
My mother lives in town. Ina otuwa ekta ti.
Come in. Tin u.
Go inside. Tin iya.
Come here. Guwa.
Go outside. Tangan iya.
Go ahead! Echu!
Do it! Echu!
Don't do it! Echush!

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